Sunday, June 6, 2010

Shows 6, 7 and 8

(Mike Dobbyn, Chris Savell and Bryce Fishman provide thought bubbles for Kate Compton portraying yours truly. Apparently, Wrote a lot about food. And sex. And death. But mostly food.)

Last night was my first night back and it was great to be in the room, live and in-person. Great houses, great shows. Three very different shows under the direction of Dunbar Dicks, Rebecca Langguth and Derek Van Tassel. Dunbar's was very stylized with lots of dancing transitions and each actor trading off - via black ball cap and glasses - playing me writing the various sketches being presented. I was skeptical of this, as I didn't want it to come across as a tribute to me or be full of in-jokes people wouldn't get. Fortunately, neither happened and it made for a really cool, cohesive show. Rebecca's cast had some very rockin' transitions that took the risk of not using transitional lights which sometimes confused the audience as to when a scene began or ended. But the meat in-between the transitions kicked with this really tight and creative cast. Derek's show, comprised of Columbia college students and recent grads, was pretty traditional and straightforward, but you can tell they worked hard on the scenes discovering some really interesting moments between the characters that I never would have guessed was there. All three worked well and, as the writer, I couldn't be happier.

(Brett McGovern is a zombie superhero in the imagination of comic book store employee Trey Hanks who, rather condescendingly, explains his concept to Brianna Hansen in Searching for Joss Whedon.)

(Sadly, even I am not immune of writing more male roles than female roles. Derek handled this masterfully by casting Molly McCormick, Lori Lewis and Mal Merpi as men in a locker room talking about their penises in Weenus.)

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