Wednesday, June 9, 2010

One Hundred Forty-One Sketches Left

Last night, John Hildreth and Chris Othic, with casts in tow, knocked out weeks 29 through 32 leaving us with 20 more weeks to go.

One of my favorite scenes out of all of the 365 Sketches was onstage last night.  It involved an actual conversation Joe and I had (I was being the wounded girl in the scene and wondered why I introduced him as my "best friend" and he introduced me as his "friend.") and it underscored for me what many people involved in this project can attest to - truth in comedy.  I'm certainly not the only person who recognizes moments of "ME" in Joe's world and it's a strangely gratifying thing - like being Arthur Miller's girlfriend or something.

Further, as we continue on, the constant standing room only crowds of actors and directors coming out to see other sets has given the whole thing a sense of - dare I say it - "community" which makes the whole thing just a bit more worthwhile.

Come on out and check out a few of the last 141 days of Joe's year.  You won't be sorry.

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